Google Pay
TL;DR: This UX Redesign project is a step towards improvement of the Google Pay interface for easier payments and better user experience.
Google Pay Redesign is a passion project where I was the sole UX Designer for a span of 2 months. My roles revolved around the entire spectrum of UX research, design and usability testing.
This UX redesign case study is strictly from a personal viewpoint and is in no way a target to Google Pay. In an ideal scenario, a redesign of Google Pay would be informed with the data and metrics owned by Google.
Why did I redesign Google Pay?
In the September of 2017, Google launched GPay in India, then known as 'Tez'. Tez literally means 'fast' in Hindi. It transformed the way people used to make payments. Tez provided the fastest way of payment through the technology of Unified Payments Interface (UPI).

Google Pay worked well in terms of simplifying payments, but there were a few shortcomings in its user experience that were hindering its basic objective of providing a fast and simple to use payment service.
Designing for biophysicists was challenging. It began with understanding their domain, breaking down requirements, and grasping the intricacies of their research workflow.

By speaking with biophysicists and studying their research workflow, we learnt that their current research workflow is disconnected and incomplete.
To get an idea of how the above features would look and function, we created some initial sketches to get some feedback and initiate stakeholder buy-in.
Based on the feedback from different stakeholders, I refined the initial sketches into high-fidelity prototypes, to form the final solution.
Back to Solution
Improve the research experience and speed of biophysicists by helping them manage their teams and seamlessly connect to different devices.
To address this challenge, we identified key features of the Cybershuttle that would provide a solution to the problem at hand.


Key Findings
Google Pay patrons were utilizing a relatively difficult approach to either scan a QR code or make transactions within their network.
Talking to 9 people and getting survey insights from 30 Google Pay users, about their experience of using Google Pay, showed the common pain points that people have while using Google Pay.
Scanning a QR Code
24 out of 39 people used the hard way to scan a QR code, instead of swiping from left to right to open the scanner

Process of making a transaction
Most participants followed a two-step process for transactions: first checking the "People" section for the payee, then moving to "New Payment" if the person was not found there.

Finding Earned Rewards
35 out of 39 participants felt that the rewards page was not organized, and found it tough to find the right coupon at the right time.
How might we make the payment process of Google Pay easier, and improve its overall user experience?
For the ideation process, I focused on the pain points that Google Pay users expressed in terms of scanning a QR code, making a transaction and the difficulty of finding coupons at the right time.
I aimed to refine Google Pay's redesign by implementing simple, impactful changes, considering users' familiarity with the existing interface. I evaluated ideas based on their value and its deviation from the existing interface, to select suitable ideas for this strategy.
Key Findings
Weighing the ideas with respect to value and their deviation from the existing user interface gave a clear picture of which ideas would be feasible to implement. Ideas that fell in the quadrant of high value and low deviation were considered for the redesign.

Low-Fidelity Wireframes
Usability Testing
In order to see the reaction of Google Pay patrons on the redesign, I conducted usability testing with 5 users, from whom I received valuable feedback for further iterations.
Users were looking to copy and share their UPI id to make transactions, in addition to payment through the 'People' section.
Users were unable to select the day they wanted to receive notifications regarding reward coupons.
Users did not have the option to deselect their favorite contacts from the 'Favorites' tab.
Users appreciated the clean and organized user interface of the redesigned Google Pay.
Great! Now Daniel can be carefree, travel light, and rent musical instruments at a reasonable rental price, in his location of interest.

Product Page
Musical instrument listed for rent by a local person, ensuring low rental price, and ratings and play sample sound to ensure the quality of the instrument.
Explore Page
Musical instruments listed for rent by local people, ensuring low rental prices.

Renting Out
Evaluation of rental price according to instrument details provided by the owner.
High-Fidelity Prototypes
“I am not the only user.” While working on this UX Case Study, I identified a problem with the ‘Transaction History’ of the Google Pay interface. Although this was a problem for me, my respondents had no problem with it. Some of them did not even use the feature.
Redesigning a popular application like Google Pay can be challenging since the real-world user data and metrics owned by the company are not available to me.
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